Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can't Stop...

Never buying those slice-n-bake cookies again...I've had 9 today!!!!! To be fair...3 cookies were for a low blood sugar.

And I canceled both scheduled doctor appointments this week. I'm so going to Jazzercise tomorrow...even if I have to drag myself in there. I promised myself I would reschedule at least one doctor's appointment in November. :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog Neglection

I've totally neglected to blog due to sheer frustration. My sugar has been swinging wild for the past 2 weeks. I think we've found the reason...I have an infection. :( Now maybe my sugars will go back to normal. For now, I'm just hanging on the couch and in bed, hoping it doesn't progress into pneumonia.

On a lighter note, I raised $385.00 for the Juvenile Diabetes Walk. Yay!