Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can't Stop...

Never buying those slice-n-bake cookies again...I've had 9 today!!!!! To be fair...3 cookies were for a low blood sugar.

And I canceled both scheduled doctor appointments this week. I'm so going to Jazzercise tomorrow...even if I have to drag myself in there. I promised myself I would reschedule at least one doctor's appointment in November. :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Blog Neglection

I've totally neglected to blog due to sheer frustration. My sugar has been swinging wild for the past 2 weeks. I think we've found the reason...I have an infection. :( Now maybe my sugars will go back to normal. For now, I'm just hanging on the couch and in bed, hoping it doesn't progress into pneumonia.

On a lighter note, I raised $385.00 for the Juvenile Diabetes Walk. Yay!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Exercise Drama

There is truly no point in exercising sometimes. Today, I exercised for 30 minutes and consumed between 400 and 500 calories to keep from passing out, defeating the entire purpose of exercising in the first place! This weather isn't helping either. No school tomorrow means nothing but sitting around and eating all day (again).

My poor dog Chloe is feeling it, too. She's getting fatter by the minute. Her marshmallow body is starting to get wrinkles all over. If she doesn't walk soon she's going to have diabetes, too!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Test Results Are In

Thank God I don't have Celiac Disease! Thank you for all of your thoughts and encouragement lately. :)

You'll enjoy this...I do have some kind of tissue misplaced in my esophagus. It's supposed to be at the bottom of my esophagus, but for some reason it's at the top. A biopsy was taken of this as well and everything was normal. Apparently I was born this way...maybe all of my body parts are in the wrong place. Could that be the problem?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This year, I decided to join a different team for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk. The Vaughn's Victory team is a team that was started by the speech-pathologist at the elementary school I work at. Her son and husband both have type 1 diabetes. The theme they picked for this year is absolutely adorable! It's Curious George and the team shirts are going to say "Cure Us George" on the back. I'll post a picture when I get my shirt. If you'd like to support the cause, visit the link below. The walk is on October 4th in Johns Creek...all are welcome to join us!


Friday, September 11, 2009

MAD tv - Bon Qui Qui at King Burger

My friend Susannah reminded me of one of my favorite YouTube videos when she posted a video yesterday. I love Bon Qui Qui! It's a typical New Jersey fastfood joint...I love it! It will make me laugh no matter what kind of mood I'm in. Be sure to watch it, even if you've already seen it. Happy Friday!

By the way...my friend Susannah's blog is hilarious! The link is below.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Having a Sweet Moment

No, my sugar is not high...not that kind of sweet moment. I just received an e-mail from a previous student's mom that made me tear up! She said the nicest things about me, my favorite co-teacher ever, and another teacher I love. The e-mail thanked us for helping and teaching her daughter. She even sent it to our principals. So sweet!

These are the moments that keep us teachers going.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My mom thought she'd create a clothing line that is pump-friendly. For example, cute garters and such that hold insulin pumps. She did some research and discovered that there already is a company that makes and sells pump clothing! She was disappointed, but I told her a little competition couldn't hurt.

It's got t-shirts, tank tops, sports bras, and yes....lace underwear. Now, these items are meant to hold your pump, but could also be used to HIDE your pump if you don't want people asking you a million questions. Sometimes us diabetics just need a break from it all. Therefore, there is a small caution with the lace underwear. If you're trying to look good (underneath) and hide your pump (or your Diabetes) at the same time, I think the pump in the lace underwear might scare off your date.

Just a thought...

Check it out: http://www.pumpwearinc.com/index.php

Monday, September 7, 2009

Top Ten Foods I Can't Live Without

I've been thinking about foods that I couldn't live without and I'm having a very hard time narrowing it down to 10. There are some foods that I absolutely love that I don't eat all of the time (you know...being Diabetic and all), but then there are the foods that I eat everyday because they are convenient or healthy. Do you see where my dilemma is? How could I possibly only make a list of 10?

1. pizza

2. garlic bread

3. cookies (especially, Magic Cookie Bars)

4. Paradise Pie (at Chili's)

5. tortellini

6. breaded chicken cutlet

7. egg noodles

8. english muffins (I eat one almost every single morning)

9. Cinnamon Toast Crunch

10. brownies

11. stuffing (dressing if you're a southern friend)

12. Carrot Cake

13. Cheesecake (with the graham cracker crumbs on the bottom)

14. homemade macaroni and cheese

15. Oreo balls

16. McDonald's meal (cheeseburger, medium fries, & a diet coke)

17. coffee (thank God this is gluten-free)

18. mozzerella sticks

So I've narrowed it down to 18 foods...to be fair, my husband added a few that he thinks I couldn't do without. Meanwhile, he asks if I'm hungry and then proceeds to say "I can't believe you're hungry. You're a girl...you aren't supposed to eat as much guys."


Have a great day, everyone!

Ate Myself Sick

Okay, so lately I haven't been feeling my best. I've been dealing with a lot of issues, including canker sores constantly. I'm canker sore free right now (knock on wood). Last week, I went to three different doctors, who explored many possibilities. The Gastro wanted to test me for Celiac Disease, which my mom and my sister both have. I don't think I have it since I don't have the same symptoms they had, but I agreed that it should be ruled out and went for the endoscopy.

Then I started thinking, "What if I do have Celiac?" So one thought let to another and guess what my forever racing mind decided would be a good idea?

Let's eat everything that I might not be able to eat if I find out I have Celiac next week! Not the best idea...

Friday night consisted of a Quesadilla Explosion salad, a margharita, and Paradise Pie. On Saturday, I ate a Taco Fajita salad in a giant deep-fried shell (as my Jazzercise instructor would describe it), Ruffles potato chips and French Onion dip, movie theater popcorn, and a buttered up Chick-Fil-A sandwich.


By the time I got home, I was doubled-over and gagging on that stupid chicken sandwich. Not everything had gluten in it, but most of the food did. It took me two Tums to get to bed, and now I think I can safely live without these foods (maybe not the Paradise Pie) if I happen to be diagnosed with this disease that I don't even think I have.

Stay tuned for my top ten list of foods I can't live without.

Off to Jazzercise...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


The movie Julia and Julia totally inspired me to start my own blog as a way to help me through the daily battles of living with diabetes. Blogging might be a way for me to relieve some stress and maybe even help other people with Diabetes find someone they can relate to. I know there are others out there that must have some of the same feelings I do. Hopefully, we can take on this roller coaster together.

So about me...My name is Kim and I'm 24....married with 3 dog-children and a bird. I'm a second grade teacher about 45 minutes north of Atlanta. Type I diabetes (juvenile) didn't grace me with its presence until I was 20 years old. My sister and I are the only two people out of our entire family that have it.

Since my diagnosis, I've also been diagnosed with Hashimoto's, (sounds like a Japanese cuisine...I know), but it's actually a thyroid issue. Of course I'm not here to blab about all of my problems, but those are some things you probably need to know about me. Oh yes...and I'm a Jazzercise Junkie. (http://www.jazzercise.com/). Jazzercise is not for the lighthearted like everyone thinks it is. It kicks my you know what everytime.

Anyways, follow my blog if you want a fresh new way to deal with diabetes through some venting and laughter.

Peace for now...